
Maisy Tells Stories



Adored Wife (Poem)

Sandra Lean Was never clean But she was very kind With a great behind And I happily made her my bride In three years' time She had three children of mine And grew more lovely by the day Our final... Continue Reading →

Grace (Poem)

Its hard to write after a good cry, its like all the energy has left my body

Untitled Poem 2/5/22

It isn't a great plan

Going Back

The struggle is really, really hard

Monster (poem)

It used to feel like a monster, now it just feels like both of us are tired

Call Out (poem)

US suicide prevention hotline: 800-273-8255 24 hours a day, English and Spanish

Nameless Poem

Long weeks ahead

Don’t Matter (poem)

These won't be amazing posts, I've been working on redoing my directory

Ten things I tell myself

The reality of my world is darker then most might realize.

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