Thousands of years ago a kingdom stood, a great kingdom built on the white cliffs of a long forgotten island. Its wealth was unimaginable, its power boundless, the people within the towering city were the most beautiful in all the world, and their generosity knew no bounds. No man would walk away empty handed if their plight were truly pitiful. They lived in peace for centuries, earning the envy of nations and gods alike, so incredible were they that the temperamental sun god- Alaris- needed to strike them down.

One the first day of the new year the sky turned black, thunder rolled and lightning shattered the sky over and over again as the rain began to fall. The torrent was unstoppable, the rain fell and fell for days on end; slowly the cliff began to erode away. The people feared not, they bravely remained in their homes, praying and making offerings to appease the raging god but to no effect. After three weeks of heavy rain the cliff shifted, then crashed into the tumultuous ocean below, sinking into the depths before anyone could escape.

In the span of a month the god like people went from charitable and powerful to not but dust and memories destined to fade into nothing. Three days after the collapse the rain let up and Alaris looked upon his work, and oh did he weep for the people that offended him so for by smiting them he destroyed beauty and wisdom leaving the world cold and dark by comparison.